Paese Rice Powder - magical unicorn stuff

Po priporočilu superžensk v naši Facebook skupini Ljubim kozmetiko, sem kupila Paese Artist Rice Powder. Ta izdelek je definitivno zame bil skrit zaklad. In sem neskončno vesela, da sem ga našla :)

A couple of amazing girls on Facebook recommended to my the Paese Artist Rice Powder. Boy was this a hidden treasure! And I could not be more happy that I found it!

Dolgo sem iskala dober puder, ki bi fiksiral in matiral mojo kožo. Rimmel Stay Matte je....meh. Catrice Prime+Fine puder je bil...meh. Trend it up Skin Supreme compact....nič kej supreme. Tale me je dejansko čudil, ker je TAKO TRD. Puder je tako grob in tako trdo zbit skupaj, da niti ne fiksira, ne matira....nevem kaj naj bi naredil?
Paese rižev puder je fino mlet, bele barve in se zazna parfum. Dišava spominja na otroške Nivea robčke, ni pa moteče. Na koži je neviden, DEFINITIVNO bo matiral poljubno podlago in DEFINITIVNO podaljša obstojnost podlage.

For the longest time I've been searching for a face powder that would set and mattify my foundation. I had no luck with the Rimmel Stay Matte, the Catrice Prime+Fine did nothing for me, the Trend it up Skin Supreme....well, let's say that it was far from supreme for me.
The Paese Rice powder is very finely milled, white in color and has a slight baby powder scent. It goes on the skin completely translucent, and it WILL matify and set your makeup.

Želela sem še primerjati razmerje med ceno in količino še z drugimi znanimi pudri. Ni najcenejši puder. Menim pa, da ima najboljše razmerje med kvaliteto, količino in ceno.

I compared the Paese Rice powder with some of the other known face powders. It's not the cheapest, but it has a great ratio between quality, price and size.

Make Up For Ever Ultra HD Loose Powder: 35,99 EUR/8,5 grams.
Paese Artist Rice Powder: 18 EUR/15 grams.
Bourjois Face Makeup Loose Powder: 11,19 EUR/32 grams.

Sestavine/Ingredients: orza sativa (rice) powder, magnesium stearate, parfum, phenoxythanol, ethylhexylglyerin.

Ta stvar je neverjetna. Nisem preizkusila nobenega drugega produkta iz Paese linije in tudi za znamko nisem slišala. Ampak sem povsem navdušena. Sigurno bom še kar preizkusila iz Paese linije, vsi predlogi dobrodošli :).
Danes sem uporabila Maybelline Fit me Matte+Poreless v odtenku 110, z malo Bourjois Healthy mix korektorja. Nisem imela nobenega primerja na koži. Ta kombo je največkrat uporabljam za vsak dan.

This stuff is magical. I haven't tried (yet) any other products from the Paese Artist makeup line. To be honest, I didn't even know much about the brand.
Today I decided to test it with my usual Maybelline Matte+Poreless in the shade 110, with some Bourjois Healthy mix concealer. I didn't put any other primers on my face.

(Če ti je všeč šminka, lahko prebereš več na tej povezavi)
(If you like the lipstick, you can read more about it here)

Besede ne morejo opisati mojega veselja. Zame je tako težko doseči izgled lepe, gladke kože. Še posebej, ko mi divjajo hormoni, ali pa sem se prekršila okoli kake jedi. Nikoli še nisem srečala izdelka, ki bi me tako lepo matiral. Po 4 urah sem nanesla ponovno malček pudra na sredino čela, na področje ob nosu in malček na brado. Nobenega cakey efekta. Nevem, kako jim je uspelo, ampak jim je. Stvar je narejena iz zmletih škratov, nekaj magičnega mora biti not, drugače si ne znam pojasniti :)

Words can hardly describe how thrilled I am. I have a lot of texture on my skin. Therefore it's hard for me to achieve the illusion of an even, smooth complexion. I've never had a product that would mattify and set my face like this. After 4 hours, I've re-applied a little to my forehead and the sides of my nose. My foudation didn't cake at all! This stuff must be made from crushed fairies, I'm telling you :)
Po 4 urah (After 4 hours)

 Po 8 urah, zvečer ( In the evening, after 8 hours of wear)
 Moja koža se zelo hitro odloči, če ji kaj ne ustreza. To se lepo vidi pri preizkuševanju Dermacol podlage (ne priporočam, in si lahko pogledaš zakaj na tej povezavi). Dermacol Makeup Cover podlaga mi je pustila bulice in mozoljčke po parih urah. Paese Rice Powder ni nič poudaril teksturo kože, nič me ni srbel obraz.  Menim, da bo ta puder super za vse punce, ki imajo zelo občutljivo, reaktivno kožo. In tudi za vse ostale, resnici na ljubo. Najraje bi si jih kupila še 5 škatlic, za vsak slučaj.

Hvala za branje :)

My skin is very reactive, and I can quickly tell if something will irritate me. I had that experience with the Dermacol Makeup Cover (you can see the whole review with photos here). The Paese Rice Powder didn't exaggerate any texture, my face didn't itch at all. I would highly recommend this powder to anyone. I'm fighting the urge to buy 5 back-ups right now.

Thank you, I've you've made it this far :)
