Zelena koža in vse frustracije, ki spadajo zraven.

Že celo moje življenje sem imela težave s podlagami, pudri, korektorji, rdečili, ipd. Karkoli sem kupila v drogeriji, vedno je bila podlaga pretemna. In tudi ko sem imela večji budget, in sem našla podlage, ki so bile teoretično dovolj svetle, nekaj ni bilo prav.
Ko sem bila mlajša, je bila interna šala da imam podton trupla. Izredno svetla in zelena. Letos sem prvič posumila da mogoče je kaj resnice v tej šali.

All my life I struggled with foundations, powder, concealers, blushers, etc. Whatever I bought at the drugstore was always too dark. And even when I had the money for a higher-end foundation, that was theoretically light enough, something was off.
When I was younger, we had an inside joke, that my skin has a corpse shade. Extremely pale and greenish. It was only this year that it dawned on me, that perhaps there is some truth to that.

Med puberteto so nastopile akne, kasneje tudi rozaceja in sedaj je moj obraz  skoraj dva odtenka temnejši od preostanka mojega telesa. Zato sem slikala notranjost nadlakti, ker dejansko se še najbolj ujema z večino mojega telesnega tona. Fotografija je bila narejena pri dnevni svetlobi ( popoldan ob 15:20).
Tukaj je še najbolj razviden problem očitno rumenih, in očitno rozastih podlag.

An extra exlanation:
When I was in puberty I got acne, a few years later rosacea decided to join the party. As a result, the skin on my face a almost two shades darker than the rest of body. Therefore I decided to swatch on my forearm, as it's more representative. The photo was taken in daylight, at around 3:30 PM. And you can see the problem that really pink and yellow foundations pose.

Od leve proti desni:  
(from left to right)

1. Bourjois healthy mix concealer - odtenek 51 Clair
Zelo očiten rumen podton, pretemen zame. Korektor ima lepo teksturo, je ZELO dolgoobstojen, skoraj vodoodporen. Kljub temu, da je ta korektor napačne barve, sem jih kupila in porabila že 3. 
Really yellow and way too dark for me. I has really nice texture and it's super longwearing. Despite it being the wrong shade for me, I'm on my third tube. Works good for the under-eye are.
2. Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage concealer - odtenek 010 Porcelain
Ta korektor je skoraj siv v podtonu in precej nevtralen. Postane očitno preveč rozast, ko se posuši. Tega v resnici velikokrat uporabim kot primer za senčke, kadar se mi mudi. In deluje :)
This one is the more neutral of the bunch, it almost pulls greyish. But when it dries down, it goes pink. Also really longwearing, I use it as eyeshadow primer a lot.
3. Trend It Up Sheer Nude concealer - odtenek 020
Tega sem kupila izključno kot barvni korektor za podočnjake. Je zelo tekoč, "sheer". Tega dam pod puder in pomaga pri nevtraliziranju vijolične/modre barve. Kot vsaka Sneguljčica dobro ve: bolj kot imaš bledo polt, bolj violične in modre podočnjake imaš.
This one I bought to use as corrector shade.. It has a liquidy, sheer texture. As every pale girl knows - the fairer you are, the more your dark circles stand out.

4. Wet&Wild Photofocus Foundation - odtenek Soft Ivory
Preveč rozast. Tekstura je zelo silikonasta. Lep finiš, ampak samo pod pogojem če uporabiš gobico ali pa prste. Če poskusiš nanesti s čopičem....nope nope nope (vsaj moja izkušnja je bila taka). 
Too pink and the texture has a very siliconey feeling. It has a nice finish, but only if you use a sponge or your fingers to apply. If you try to put this on with a brush....it's a big ol' nope.

5. Maybelline Instant Anti-age The Eraser Eye - odtenek Light
A sem edina, ki me moti ime? Jaz ne želim da mi korektor "zradira oči". Just sayin'.
Tako visoka pričakovanja sem imela, ker so vse blogerke na internetu govorile kako svetel je, kako ga uporabijo kot "highlighter". Na meni je RUMEN. In ga s težavo uporabljam kot korektor za podočnjake. Tekstura je čudovita, res ne poudari nobenih gubic in je obstojen.
 I may the only one with takes issue with the name. I kinda don't want a concealer to erase my eyes. Just putting that out there. I had such high hopes for this one though. Everyone on the internet was raving how light this is, how they use it as a face highligh. On me it's straight-up yellow. I struggle to use it under my eyes. But the texture is indeed, really lovely and it stays put.

6 Maybelline Fit me! Matte+Poreless - odtenek 110 (tule ga vidiš v akciji)
Tale je še najboljši približek, kar sem jih dobila. Žal, ko se posuši na moji koži malenkost oksidira, in potegne na rumeno-oranžno. Drugi problem je, da če ga nosim prepogosto, ali če ga imam predolgo na koži, bo le-ta odreagirala s bulicami in mozoljčki. Sklepam da je problem v alkoholu?
This one is actually my closest match. You can see in it action in this blog post. Two down-sides: it oxidizes after a few hours and pulls to a more peachy undertone. And if I wear it too many days in a row, my skin reacts with bump and blemishes. I guess it's the alcohol and the silicones.

7. Illamasqua Rich liquid foundation - odtenek 3.5
Preveč breskvast podton. Tale podlaga mi ni všeč, ampak menim da je bolj težava moje pomanjkljive tehnike aplikaciranja na obraz, kot pa da je karkoli narobe s formulacijo te podlage.
Waaaay too peachy. I don't like this foundation, but I think it might the my lack of expertise in application, and not that there's anything wrong with the formula. 

Ta fotografija je bila narejena umetno (bedno) svetlobo. Vem, da zgledam zelo rumena, ampak obljubim, da nisem.
This photo was taken in (bad) artifical lighting. I know I look quite yellow, but please trust me, I'm not.

Od leve proti desni:
From left to right:
1. Bourjois healthy mix concealer - 51 Clair,
2. Catrice Liquid Camouflage High Coverage concealer - 010 Porcelain,
3. Trend It Up Sheer Nude concealer - 020,
4. Wet&Wild Photofocus Foundation - Soft Ivory,
5. Maybelline Fit me! Matte+Poreless - 110,
6. Maybelline Instant Anti-age The Eraser Eye - Light

Lov se nadaljuje. Upam, da bom lahko komu pomagala s temi informacijami.  Vsekakor, če ima katera podobno težavo, in je našla rešitev - lepo prosim, kar piši!
Hvala za branje in pozornost, če ti je ratalo zdržat do sem :)

The hunt continues. I hope someone finds this blog post helpful. And please, if someone has similar problems, or you perhaps found a solution - don't hesitate to comment or write me.
Thanks for the read, if you've made it this far :)