The Ordinary - High adherence silicone primer - iskreno mnenje / honest review
Nekaj časa nazaj sem se končno vdala skušnjavi in naročila The Ordinary High-Adherence Silicone Primer. Prebrala sem miljon prispevkov, in čeprav vem, da se moja koža včasih ne razume dobro s silikoni, sem poskusila. Zato ker vem, da ima marsikatera punca z občutljivo kožo težave z obstojnostjo pudra.
Če imaš ta problem, bi ti takoj priporočila Paese Artist Rice Powder. Čudovito matira, res podaljša obstojnost podlage in nič ne draži. Daljši prispevek in fotografije si lahko pogledaš na tej povezavi.
Odločila sem se, da bom High Adherence Silicon primer testirala z tremi različnimi podlagami:
- Maybelline Fit me Matte+Poreless
- Kiko Milano BB cream
- Wet&Wild Photofocus
I've finally given in and set out to test The Ordinary High-Adherence Silicone Primer. My skin doesn't really like silicone, but this has such a good price point that it's worth a shot. I hope other girls with sensitive skin will find this review helpful.
I decided to test the primer with three different foundations:
- Maybelline Fit me Matte+Poreless
- Kiko Milano BB cream
- Wet&Wild Photofocus
Prvi dan testiranja:
Maybelline Fit me Matte+Poreless v odtenku 110:
Na umito kožo sem nanesla The Ordinary Niacinamide+Zinc in Matrixyl s tremi kapljicami Resveratrol+Ferulic Acid. Lahko si ogledaš recenzije drugih izdelkov iz linije The Ordinary na tej povezavi.
Počakala sem, da se je vse lepo vpilo. Nato sem nanesla za velikost graha The Ordinary High-Adherence Silicone primerja. Tekoči puder sem nanesla s prsti in fiksirala s Paese Rice pudrom.
Prva izkušnja ob nanosu je, da daje bolj občutek vlažilnega primerja kot pa matirajočega. Naredi "blur" efekt na koži, ni se mi zdelo da "zapolni" pore. Nima vonja, se lepo razmaže in ni očitnega občutka, da imaš ekstra sloj na koži. Lahko rečem pa, da na fotografijah lepo izgleda.
First day of testing: Maybelline Fit me Matte+Poreless in the shade 110:
On cleansed skin I applied The Ordinary Niacinamide+Zinc with Matrixyl and three drops of the Resveratrol+Ferulic Acid. Onto that I applied a pea-sized amount of the High Adherence Silicone primer. I put my foundation on with clean fingers and set it with the Paese Artist Rice powder (you can read the review here).
Upon applying it didn't feel like a mattifying primer. It feels like you're putting a hydrating gel on. It didn't fill in my pore, but it did give a slight "blur" effect. It has no discernable scent and doesn't feel thick on the skin. Added bonus, it photographs really nicely.
Maybelline Matte+Poreless je na meni precej dolgo-obstojna podlaga. Danes se je sijaj na čelu pojavil komaj okoli 7 ure
nošenja. Ponavadi pa se začnem malo svetiti že okoli 4 ure.
Primer je v kombinaciji s to podlago brez dvoma podaljšal obstojnost pudra. Podlago sem nanesla ob 11:05 in fotografirala sem se zadnjič ob 21:40. In v živo sploh ne izgleda tako grozno. Če karkoli, deluje koža rahlo dehidrirano okoli brade in lic. Niti po 10 urah nisem občutila draženja, imam pa na dotik suho kožo, kar je precej redko zame. Trenutno imam občutek, da bi bil kombo te podlage in primerja super za mastnokožke.In če pomislim, da nisem nič popravljala podlage cel dan, sem v bistvu prijetno presenečena.
Maybelline Matte+Poreless is quite longwearing on me. I developed some shine on my forehead around the 7 hour mark. Usually I get shiny after 4 hours of wear. The primer did prolong the longevity of the foundation - I applied it at 11:05 and at 21:40 it doesn't look even that bad. I feel like it emphasized some dry patches on my chin and cheeks. It didn't itch, buy my skin feels dry to the touch, which is unsual.
At this stage I think this primer would suit well girls with oily to combination skins. I didn't retouch my foundation all day, so I'm pleasantly surprised.
Drugi dan testiranja:
Opomba: Zjutraj sem se zbudila s par belimi mozoljčki. Ampak ne morem zatrdno reči, da je to krivda primerja, zato bom počakala par dni s testiranjem zadnje podlage.
Kiko Milano Daily Protection BB cream v odtenku 01 Ivory:
Pod BB kremo sem imela enako nego kot pri Maybelline Matte+Poreless podlagi.
Ponovno, primer je precej olajšal nanos, fotografira se super. Najbolj me je začudilo, da čeprav ne deluje, da bi bil matirni primer ob nanosu - sem se pozneje začela svetit. Ampak ob koncu dneva sem imela spet un občutek (in videz) dehidrirane kože. Menim, da lahko vse suhokožke mirno izločijo ta izdelek iz nakupovalne košarice. Sem pa vseeno prijetno presenečena, da je večina BB kreme še vedno na mojem obrazu. Z matirnim lističem in malo pudra bi lahko brez težav osvežila to podlago.
Second day of testing:
Note: In the morning I noticed some whiteheads and spots. I can't surely say it's the primer, so I'll wait a few days before I move onto the third foundation.
Kiko Milano Daily Protection BB cream in the shade 01 Ivory:
My skin prep was identical to the one I used for the Maybelline foundation. Again I noticed that the application was really smoth, and it fotographs really nicely. Despite it not being mattifying upon application, it does control oil production somewhat. At the end of the day I again had that dry feeling, so I think girls with dry skin can safely skip this one.
If I used some blotting paper and powder, this BB cream would retouch nicely.
Moja koža je precej slabo odreagirala in zato bom počakala, dokler se stanje umiri. Bom raje dopisala nov prispevek.
Moja trenutna ocena:
The Ordinary High Adherence Silion primer je super za posebne priložnosti in za fotografijo. Ne nudi mat izgleda in nima nekega očitnega učinka "zmanjšanja" por. Ampak pomaga pri nanosu podlage in podaljša obstojnost ličil. Odsvetovala bi uporabo puncam, ki imajo zelo občutljivo kožo.
Se bom javila v kratkem.
I'm having quite a horrible skin reaction and therefore I feel like this would not be an acurate review if I continued. I will wait until my skin settles down before trying out the primer with the Wet&Wild foundation.
My (current) verdict:
The Ordinary High Adherence Silicon primer is a great tool for special occasions and photography. It will not give a matte look, and it doesn't really "diminish" pores. It will however help with application and longevity. I wouldn't recommend this to really sensitive skins.
I will update this post shortly.
Hvala za branje in lep dan še naprej! :)
Thanks for the read and have a lovely day! :)
Če imaš ta problem, bi ti takoj priporočila Paese Artist Rice Powder. Čudovito matira, res podaljša obstojnost podlage in nič ne draži. Daljši prispevek in fotografije si lahko pogledaš na tej povezavi.
Odločila sem se, da bom High Adherence Silicon primer testirala z tremi različnimi podlagami:
- Maybelline Fit me Matte+Poreless
- Kiko Milano BB cream
- Wet&Wild Photofocus
I've finally given in and set out to test The Ordinary High-Adherence Silicone Primer. My skin doesn't really like silicone, but this has such a good price point that it's worth a shot. I hope other girls with sensitive skin will find this review helpful.
I decided to test the primer with three different foundations:
- Maybelline Fit me Matte+Poreless
- Kiko Milano BB cream
- Wet&Wild Photofocus
Prvi dan testiranja:
Maybelline Fit me Matte+Poreless v odtenku 110:
Na umito kožo sem nanesla The Ordinary Niacinamide+Zinc in Matrixyl s tremi kapljicami Resveratrol+Ferulic Acid. Lahko si ogledaš recenzije drugih izdelkov iz linije The Ordinary na tej povezavi.
Počakala sem, da se je vse lepo vpilo. Nato sem nanesla za velikost graha The Ordinary High-Adherence Silicone primerja. Tekoči puder sem nanesla s prsti in fiksirala s Paese Rice pudrom.
Prva izkušnja ob nanosu je, da daje bolj občutek vlažilnega primerja kot pa matirajočega. Naredi "blur" efekt na koži, ni se mi zdelo da "zapolni" pore. Nima vonja, se lepo razmaže in ni očitnega občutka, da imaš ekstra sloj na koži. Lahko rečem pa, da na fotografijah lepo izgleda.
First day of testing: Maybelline Fit me Matte+Poreless in the shade 110:
On cleansed skin I applied The Ordinary Niacinamide+Zinc with Matrixyl and three drops of the Resveratrol+Ferulic Acid. Onto that I applied a pea-sized amount of the High Adherence Silicone primer. I put my foundation on with clean fingers and set it with the Paese Artist Rice powder (you can read the review here).
Upon applying it didn't feel like a mattifying primer. It feels like you're putting a hydrating gel on. It didn't fill in my pore, but it did give a slight "blur" effect. It has no discernable scent and doesn't feel thick on the skin. Added bonus, it photographs really nicely.
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Škoda, ker se vsak dan ne zbudim s tako kožo :) Too bad I don't wake up with skin like this :) |
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Stanje takoj po nanosu / Photo taken after application |
Primer je v kombinaciji s to podlago brez dvoma podaljšal obstojnost pudra. Podlago sem nanesla ob 11:05 in fotografirala sem se zadnjič ob 21:40. In v živo sploh ne izgleda tako grozno. Če karkoli, deluje koža rahlo dehidrirano okoli brade in lic. Niti po 10 urah nisem občutila draženja, imam pa na dotik suho kožo, kar je precej redko zame. Trenutno imam občutek, da bi bil kombo te podlage in primerja super za mastnokožke.In če pomislim, da nisem nič popravljala podlage cel dan, sem v bistvu prijetno presenečena.
Maybelline Matte+Poreless is quite longwearing on me. I developed some shine on my forehead around the 7 hour mark. Usually I get shiny after 4 hours of wear. The primer did prolong the longevity of the foundation - I applied it at 11:05 and at 21:40 it doesn't look even that bad. I feel like it emphasized some dry patches on my chin and cheeks. It didn't itch, buy my skin feels dry to the touch, which is unsual.
At this stage I think this primer would suit well girls with oily to combination skins. I didn't retouch my foundation all day, so I'm pleasantly surprised.
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Tukaj se tudi vidi kako sem si uspela podgrniti podlago dol iz brade in par dehidriranih luskic :( You can see I managed to rub of the foundation from my chin and some dehydrated spots :( |
Opomba: Zjutraj sem se zbudila s par belimi mozoljčki. Ampak ne morem zatrdno reči, da je to krivda primerja, zato bom počakala par dni s testiranjem zadnje podlage.
Kiko Milano Daily Protection BB cream v odtenku 01 Ivory:
Pod BB kremo sem imela enako nego kot pri Maybelline Matte+Poreless podlagi.
Ponovno, primer je precej olajšal nanos, fotografira se super. Najbolj me je začudilo, da čeprav ne deluje, da bi bil matirni primer ob nanosu - sem se pozneje začela svetit. Ampak ob koncu dneva sem imela spet un občutek (in videz) dehidrirane kože. Menim, da lahko vse suhokožke mirno izločijo ta izdelek iz nakupovalne košarice. Sem pa vseeno prijetno presenečena, da je večina BB kreme še vedno na mojem obrazu. Z matirnim lističem in malo pudra bi lahko brez težav osvežila to podlago.
Second day of testing:
Note: In the morning I noticed some whiteheads and spots. I can't surely say it's the primer, so I'll wait a few days before I move onto the third foundation.
My skin prep was identical to the one I used for the Maybelline foundation. Again I noticed that the application was really smoth, and it fotographs really nicely. Despite it not being mattifying upon application, it does control oil production somewhat. At the end of the day I again had that dry feeling, so I think girls with dry skin can safely skip this one.
If I used some blotting paper and powder, this BB cream would retouch nicely.
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Takoj po nanosu / Right after application |
Po 4 urah / After 4 hours |
Po 10 urah nošenja / After 10 hours of wear |
Moja trenutna ocena:
The Ordinary High Adherence Silion primer je super za posebne priložnosti in za fotografijo. Ne nudi mat izgleda in nima nekega očitnega učinka "zmanjšanja" por. Ampak pomaga pri nanosu podlage in podaljša obstojnost ličil. Odsvetovala bi uporabo puncam, ki imajo zelo občutljivo kožo.
Se bom javila v kratkem.
I'm having quite a horrible skin reaction and therefore I feel like this would not be an acurate review if I continued. I will wait until my skin settles down before trying out the primer with the Wet&Wild foundation.
My (current) verdict:
The Ordinary High Adherence Silicon primer is a great tool for special occasions and photography. It will not give a matte look, and it doesn't really "diminish" pores. It will however help with application and longevity. I wouldn't recommend this to really sensitive skins.
I will update this post shortly.
Hvala za branje in lep dan še naprej! :)
Thanks for the read and have a lovely day! :)
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