Boj tekočih šmink - Liquid lipstick smackdown: Wet&Wild, Deborah, Milani, Bourjois
Ok, so I know I'm a bit late for the liquid lipstick hype train. But if anything, liquid lipsticks are great for lazy people, that love matte lips and can't be fussed with re-applying all the time.
Bourjois Beau Brun, Wet&Wild Gimme Mocha, Milani Loved, Deborah 09 |
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left -> Right: Bourjois Beau Brun, Bourjois Grand Cru, Wet&Wild Gimme Mocha, Deborah 09, Milani Loved |
Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet
Cena: cca 8,98 EUR/7,7 ml
Tekstura ni tekoča ampak bolj podobna takemu moussu, oziroma gostemu gelu. Na ustnicah je zelo prijetna, in od vseh najmanj izsuši ustnice. Ne bo se čisto posušila, in posledično, se bo razmazala. Občutek na ustnicah je skoraj malo puhast in gumijast. Vonj je umeten, ampak ni moteč.
Prijetna za nosit, ampak ni dolgoobstojna. Bom še kupila kakšno, če mi bo barva res ZELO všeč.
Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet
Price: cca 8,98 EUR / 7,7 ml
The texture is not that liquidy, it feels much more like a mousse or really thick gel. It feels really comfortable on the lips and it's the least drying. It will not dry down completely and it will smudge and transfer. Upon application feels kinda cushiony and gummy. The smell is artificial, but pleasant and not too strang.
Score: 3/5
Comfortable to wear, but not longlasting. I will purchase another one, because the colors are nice.
Deborah Milano Fluid Velvet Mat Lipstick
Cena: cca 6 EUR/ ni točnega podatka o količini (če ugibam, okoli 7 ml)
Bolj podroben opis in kako se obnese čez dan lahko prebereš tu (KLIK). Barvna selekcija je majhna, in vonj je precej oster. Uporabila sem tudi nos svojega dragega, da mi je pomagal determinirati jakost in "motečnost" vonja. Ta šminka ima precej oster, kemičen vonj ampak se ne obdrži za dolgo na ustnicah.
Skromna selekcija barv, neverjetna obstojnost ampak izsuši ustnice. Verjetno nebom kupila nove
Deborah Milano Fluid Velvet Mat Lipstick
Price: cca 6 EUR / there is no precise infomartion, I'm estimating around 7 ml
I made a more in-depth review and wear-test in this blog post (click HERE). The colour selection is limited, and the smell is sharp. I employed the nose of my partner, to help me determine the strenght and "disturbing" factor of a smell. This one has a strong, chemical smell, but it does disapate after a while.
Score: 3/5
It has incredible longevity. But it dries the lips and the colour selection is too small. I will not repurchase.
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Deborah Fluid Velvet Mat |
Wet&Wild Megalast Liquid Catsuit
Cena: 5,99 EUR/6 gr
Na mojo neverjetno žalost imamo na voljo samo 4 odtenke v naših spletnih trgovinah. Ta formula se ne prenaša, je IZREDNO dolgoobstojna in ne izsušuje pretirano ustnic. Po 8+ urah nebo izgledala več lepo. Ponoven nanos ni problematičen, ker je tekstura precej tekoča in "tanka".
Vonj ni močan in vsiljiv, ampak precej kemičen.
Ocena: 3,75/5
Super obstojna, ne izsušuje ampak pomanjkanje izbire je katastrofalno. Bi definitivno dokupila še odtenkov, če bi imela kje.
Wet&Wild Megalast Liquid Catsuit - Give me mocha
Price: 5,99 EUR / 6gr
To my dissapointment we can only get four (4!!) shades in our online stores. The formula is transfer proof, really longlasting and it's not horribly drying. After 8+ hours of wear it won't look pretty. Re-applying is not a problem, because the texture is quite thin and liquidy.
Score: 3,75/5
Long-wearing, not to drying, but the lack fact that I can only pick between 4 shades is appaling. I would definitively buy more, if I could.
Milani Amore Matte Lip Cream - Loved
Cena: 9,9 EUR/6 gr
Na mojo žalost, je odtenek Loved identičen kot zgoraj omenjena Wet&Wild Megalast Liquid Catsuit tekoča šminka. Torej, če bi rade poskusile tak odtenek, in je Milani za vas še vedno predrag - imate tukaj cenejšo verzijo.
Šminka ima prijeten vonj (umetna vanilija?), tekstura je prijetna (rahlo gosta) in nanos enostaven. Ampak kar močno izsušujejo ustnice in če poskusiš dodati šminko, potem ko zbledi, se ne plasti najboljše.
Prijeten vonj, polna barva in lepi odtenki. Če bi bila še malo bolj prijetna za več-urno nošenje, bi bilo super. Bom kupila še kako barvo.
Milani Amore Matte Lip Cream - Loved
Price: 9,9 EUR/6 gr
This liquid lipstick has a nice smell (some kind of artificial vanilla?), the texture is lovely (somewhat thick) and the application easy. It does dry the lips considerably and it doesn't layer well if you want to re-apply.
Score: 4/5
Nice smell, opaque colour and a really nice shade selection. If it was a little for comfortable for long-wearing occasions, I'd be over the moon with this. I will buy more.
Kako odstraniti tekoče šminke?
Vsaka znamka, ki prodaja tekoče šminke ima sigurno v svoji ponudbi tudi specializiran odstranjevalec tekočih šmink. Moje mnenje? Nepotreben dodaten strošek. Jaz uporabim Biobazino micelarno olje na vatici in gre vse dol. Tudi LA Splash šminke, ki so od vseh 100% vodo-odporne, obstojne in generalno se držijo ustnic kot pribite. Krajši opis tega olja (z vsemi relevantnimi infomacijami) najdeš na tej povezavi KLIK!
How to remove liquid lipsticks?
Every brand that sells them usually offers their own specialized removed. Which I think is an unnecessary purchase. Biobaza's Micellar Oil works wonder. I put two pumps on a cotton pad and then the rest can be rinsed clean with water. And it removes easily even LA Splash lipsticks, which are indelible otherwise.
Še nimaš dovolj branja o tekočih šminkah? Ni problema, klikni TUKAJ in si lahko ogledaš drugi del boja tekočih šmink!
Want to read more about liquid lipsticks? I got you covered - click HERE and you'll se part two of the liquid lipstick smackdown!
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