The Ordinary - EUK 134 0.1% in Resveratrol 3% + Ferulic 3% - mnenje - review
Naj kot prvo poudarim, da imam rada The Ordinary in uporabljam redno več njihovih izdelkov. Lahko si pogledaš bolj izčrpen seznam tu (KLIK).
EUK 134 0.1% in Resveratrol 3% + Ferulic 3% sem uporabljala en mesec. In po veliko poskusih tudi determinirala kakšen je zame najbolj primeren način uporabe.
Sledi opis in moje mnenje.
First and foremost, I like an use The Ordinary products. If made an entire blog post decicated exclusively to my most used Ordinary products (you can find it HERE).
I used the EUK 134 and the Resveratrol+Ferulic acid for a good month. I have tried almost everything to find a suitable use case for me.
So let's get into the review and my thoughts.
EUK 134 0.1%
Cena: 8 EUR / 30 ml
Sestavine/Ingredient: Propanediol, Ethylbisiminomethylguaiacol manganese chloride.
Tekočina je temno rjava, oljnata in brez vonja. Hvalabogu, se barva porazgubi na obrazu in ne zgledaš kot, da si imela nesrečo z samoporjavitveno kremo. Traja kar nekaj časa preden se vpije v kožo, kar s pridom izkoristim za hitro obrazno masažo.
The liquid has a dark brown color, it has a slightly oily feel and no scent. The color dissapates and it doesn't make you look like you had a tanning accident. It takes a good few moments for the serum to sink into the skin - which it's a great thing as you can quickly give yourself a face massage.
Kaj je sploh EUK 134?
Na strani so to opisali tako:
"EUK 134 je mimetik superoksidne dismutaze in katalaze, ki tvori izredno redko samoregulirajočo molekulo, ki odstranjuje proste radikale superoksida, eliminira vodikov peroksid in pretvarja reaktivne kisikove vrste v vodo in kisik."
Moje izkušnje: Nisem pričakovala veliko, ampak moja koža je precej bolj navlažena. Včasih skoraj preveč, in so se mi pojavili majhni beli mozoljčki. Prenehala sem z vsakodnevno uporabo in ga sedaj uporabim mogoče 3x na teden. Nasvet: Ker je tako oljnat je res potrebno počakati preden naneseš kremo ali puder, drugače se začne "rolati" in ni nič kaj lepo.
What is EUK 134?
This is the description from the Deciem site:
"EUK 134 is a mimetic of superoxide dismutase and catalase, forming an exceptionally rare self-regenerating molecule that scavenges superoxide free radicals, eliminates hydrogen peroxide and converts reactive oxygen species into water and oxygen."
My experience:
I wasn't expecting much, but I did find my skin to be nicely hydrated. I discontinued everyday use, because I could see some white spots. Now I use it approximately 3 times a week. Fair warning: because it has this kind of oily consistency, you really have to wait before you put on your creams or makeup, otherwise it's starts to bunch up and roll of the skin.
Resveratrol 3% + Ferulic acid 3%
Cena: 8 EUR / 30 ml
Sestavine/Ingredients: Propanediol, Resveratrol, Ferulic Acid.
Tekočina je prozorna, oljnata in brez vonja. Tri kapljice načeloma zadostujejo za moj obraz.
The liquis is transparent, slighty oily and without a scent. Three drops were enought to cover my face.
Kaj sploh je resveratrol?
Da bom zelo kratka, ker je študij čisto preveč in nisem po izobrazbi kemik ali kaj podobnega: Resveratrol je vrsta naravnega fenola, ki ga rastline proizvajajo ob poškodbah, stresu in izpostavljenosti UV žarkom. Na koži naj bi deloval na dva načina: tako da "polovi" proste radikale in prepreči nastajanje novih.
Kaj je ferulična kislina?
Prav tako antioksidant, ki "lovi" proste radikale in tako pomaga pri preprečevanju vrste težav.
Moje izkušnje: Katastrofalne. Tega izdelka ne priporočam osebam z občutljivo kožo. In da ne bo pomote, kaj jaz razumem pod izbruh rozaceje in izpuščajev - bom prilepila sliko spodaj. Ni bilo nobene kombinacije, variacije, kako uporabiti ta izdelek, da se ni končalo:
- v najboljšem primeru: nekaj draženja in mozoljčkov
- v najslabšem primeru: totalen izbruh, kjer je bilo potrebno iti do zdravnika po zdravila.
What is resveratrol?
I'll be brief, because there are so many studies and information and I don't have any formal education to explain. Resveratrol is a type of natural fenol that is produced in plant when they are experiencing stress, cuts and UV radiation. It works by catching free radicals and prevents the production of new ones.
What is ferulic acid?
This is also a type of antioxidant that catches free radicals.
My experience: Disastrous. I would NOT recommend this product to anyone with sensitive skin. I've posted a picture of my face, the morning after applying the product. No matter what I used with it, the result was:
- best case scenario: some irritation and a few white spots.
- worst case scenario: a full-on flare up and me having to rush to the doctor to get medication.
Še nekaj dodatnih nasvetov:
S čim NE kombiram teh dveh izdelkov:
- Azealic Acid Suspension:
EUK 134 0,1% je eksplicitno odsvetovana uporaba s kislinami. Resveratrol 3% + Ferulic Acid 3% pa začne pikati in ni nič kaj prijetno. Naslednje jutro pa se pojavijo bunkice in razdražena koža.
- Matrixyl:
Iz nekega razloga dobim ogromno zamašenih poric. Torej, če uporabim Matrixyl potem ne dodajam še Resveratrola in EUK, ker je enostavno preveč.
More tips:
I DO NOT combine the WUK 134 and the Resveratrol+Ferulic:
- Azealic Acid Suspension:
EUK 134 is not meant to be used with acids anyway. The Resveratrol+Ferulic combined with another acid was just too much for my skin. It burned and stinged and the next morning my skin was looking dreadful.
- Matrixyl:
For some reason I just get a lot of whiteheads with this combo. Therefore I used them seperately.
Kombinacije, ki se obnesejo:
- Bocassy tonik:
Izčrnejši opis in izkušnje bom opisala v naslednjih dneh, ampak trenutno lahko potrdim, da je prijeten in po parih dneh se moja koža čisto lepo počuti.
- Afrodita Aloe Vera vlažilna krema:
To je krema, ki jo imam tako rada, da imam eno na svoji pisalni mizi in eno v kopalnici. Potem ko pustim Resveratrol in EUK, da se malo vpijeta v kožo, nanesem še tole in imam cel dan prijeten, navlažen občutek na koži.
Combinations that DO work for me:
- Bocassy tonic:
I will get a more in depth blog post soon. But so this works great and I had no problems so far.
- Afrodita Aloe Vera hydrating cream:
I love this cream so much, that I keep one in my bathroom and one on my desk. I think this says it all.
Torej,če dam kratek povzetek:
Final recap:
Hvala za branje, upam, da komu pride kaka informacija prav :)
Thanks for the long read, I hope you find any of this useful. :)
EUK 134 0.1% in Resveratrol 3% + Ferulic 3% sem uporabljala en mesec. In po veliko poskusih tudi determinirala kakšen je zame najbolj primeren način uporabe.
Sledi opis in moje mnenje.
First and foremost, I like an use The Ordinary products. If made an entire blog post decicated exclusively to my most used Ordinary products (you can find it HERE).
I used the EUK 134 and the Resveratrol+Ferulic acid for a good month. I have tried almost everything to find a suitable use case for me.
So let's get into the review and my thoughts.
EUK 134 0.1%
Cena: 8 EUR / 30 ml
Sestavine/Ingredient: Propanediol, Ethylbisiminomethylguaiacol manganese chloride.
Tekočina je temno rjava, oljnata in brez vonja. Hvalabogu, se barva porazgubi na obrazu in ne zgledaš kot, da si imela nesrečo z samoporjavitveno kremo. Traja kar nekaj časa preden se vpije v kožo, kar s pridom izkoristim za hitro obrazno masažo.
The liquid has a dark brown color, it has a slightly oily feel and no scent. The color dissapates and it doesn't make you look like you had a tanning accident. It takes a good few moments for the serum to sink into the skin - which it's a great thing as you can quickly give yourself a face massage.
Kaj je sploh EUK 134?
Na strani so to opisali tako:
"EUK 134 je mimetik superoksidne dismutaze in katalaze, ki tvori izredno redko samoregulirajočo molekulo, ki odstranjuje proste radikale superoksida, eliminira vodikov peroksid in pretvarja reaktivne kisikove vrste v vodo in kisik."
Moje izkušnje: Nisem pričakovala veliko, ampak moja koža je precej bolj navlažena. Včasih skoraj preveč, in so se mi pojavili majhni beli mozoljčki. Prenehala sem z vsakodnevno uporabo in ga sedaj uporabim mogoče 3x na teden. Nasvet: Ker je tako oljnat je res potrebno počakati preden naneseš kremo ali puder, drugače se začne "rolati" in ni nič kaj lepo.
What is EUK 134?
This is the description from the Deciem site:
"EUK 134 is a mimetic of superoxide dismutase and catalase, forming an exceptionally rare self-regenerating molecule that scavenges superoxide free radicals, eliminates hydrogen peroxide and converts reactive oxygen species into water and oxygen."
My experience:
I wasn't expecting much, but I did find my skin to be nicely hydrated. I discontinued everyday use, because I could see some white spots. Now I use it approximately 3 times a week. Fair warning: because it has this kind of oily consistency, you really have to wait before you put on your creams or makeup, otherwise it's starts to bunch up and roll of the skin.
Resveratrol 3% + Ferulic acid 3%
Cena: 8 EUR / 30 ml
Sestavine/Ingredients: Propanediol, Resveratrol, Ferulic Acid.
Tekočina je prozorna, oljnata in brez vonja. Tri kapljice načeloma zadostujejo za moj obraz.
The liquis is transparent, slighty oily and without a scent. Three drops were enought to cover my face.
Kaj sploh je resveratrol?
Da bom zelo kratka, ker je študij čisto preveč in nisem po izobrazbi kemik ali kaj podobnega: Resveratrol je vrsta naravnega fenola, ki ga rastline proizvajajo ob poškodbah, stresu in izpostavljenosti UV žarkom. Na koži naj bi deloval na dva načina: tako da "polovi" proste radikale in prepreči nastajanje novih.
Kaj je ferulična kislina?
Prav tako antioksidant, ki "lovi" proste radikale in tako pomaga pri preprečevanju vrste težav.
Moje izkušnje: Katastrofalne. Tega izdelka ne priporočam osebam z občutljivo kožo. In da ne bo pomote, kaj jaz razumem pod izbruh rozaceje in izpuščajev - bom prilepila sliko spodaj. Ni bilo nobene kombinacije, variacije, kako uporabiti ta izdelek, da se ni končalo:
- v najboljšem primeru: nekaj draženja in mozoljčkov
- v najslabšem primeru: totalen izbruh, kjer je bilo potrebno iti do zdravnika po zdravila.
What is resveratrol?
I'll be brief, because there are so many studies and information and I don't have any formal education to explain. Resveratrol is a type of natural fenol that is produced in plant when they are experiencing stress, cuts and UV radiation. It works by catching free radicals and prevents the production of new ones.
What is ferulic acid?
This is also a type of antioxidant that catches free radicals.
My experience: Disastrous. I would NOT recommend this product to anyone with sensitive skin. I've posted a picture of my face, the morning after applying the product. No matter what I used with it, the result was:
- best case scenario: some irritation and a few white spots.
- worst case scenario: a full-on flare up and me having to rush to the doctor to get medication.
Še nekaj dodatnih nasvetov:
S čim NE kombiram teh dveh izdelkov:
- Azealic Acid Suspension:
EUK 134 0,1% je eksplicitno odsvetovana uporaba s kislinami. Resveratrol 3% + Ferulic Acid 3% pa začne pikati in ni nič kaj prijetno. Naslednje jutro pa se pojavijo bunkice in razdražena koža.
- Matrixyl:
Iz nekega razloga dobim ogromno zamašenih poric. Torej, če uporabim Matrixyl potem ne dodajam še Resveratrola in EUK, ker je enostavno preveč.
More tips:
I DO NOT combine the WUK 134 and the Resveratrol+Ferulic:
- Azealic Acid Suspension:
EUK 134 is not meant to be used with acids anyway. The Resveratrol+Ferulic combined with another acid was just too much for my skin. It burned and stinged and the next morning my skin was looking dreadful.
- Matrixyl:
For some reason I just get a lot of whiteheads with this combo. Therefore I used them seperately.
Kombinacije, ki se obnesejo:
- Bocassy tonik:
Izčrnejši opis in izkušnje bom opisala v naslednjih dneh, ampak trenutno lahko potrdim, da je prijeten in po parih dneh se moja koža čisto lepo počuti.
- Afrodita Aloe Vera vlažilna krema:
To je krema, ki jo imam tako rada, da imam eno na svoji pisalni mizi in eno v kopalnici. Potem ko pustim Resveratrol in EUK, da se malo vpijeta v kožo, nanesem še tole in imam cel dan prijeten, navlažen občutek na koži.
Combinations that DO work for me:
- Bocassy tonic:
I will get a more in depth blog post soon. But so this works great and I had no problems so far.
- Afrodita Aloe Vera hydrating cream:
I love this cream so much, that I keep one in my bathroom and one on my desk. I think this says it all.
Torej,če dam kratek povzetek:
- EUK 134 0.1%
- Resveratrol 3% + Ferulic 3%
Final recap:
- EUK 134 0.1%:
- Resveratrol 3% + Ferulic 3%
Hvala za branje, upam, da komu pride kaka informacija prav :)
Thanks for the long read, I hope you find any of this useful. :)
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