Boj tekočih šmink - Liquid lipstick smackdown - Sephora, Kat Von D, Kiko Milano, LA Splash
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Sephora Cream Lip Stain
Cena: 10,90 EUR / 5 ml
Kupila sem set mini verzij - odličen nakup! Tekstura je tanka, vonj je prijeten (umetne jagode in vanilija, ampak OK) in super obstojne. V tem paketku sem našla prvi odtenek šminke, ki ni bil mat, in sem razumela čar šmink z bleščicami - odtenek 05 Infinite Rose. Sicer ni ravno v mojem tipičnem repertoarju, ampak si predstavljam, da bi večini punc pristajal in bi ga z veseljem nosile. Na spletu je tudi široka izbira odtenkov.
Ocena : 4,5/5
Bi dala oceno 5, če bi mi bila Sephora lažje dosegljiva. Ampak nimam pripomb čez tole formulo. Je dovolj dolgoobstojna, hkrati pa ni tistega ekstremnega sušenja, ki ga povezujemo s tekočimi šminkami. Če dobim priložnost, bom definitivno dokupila polno embalažo.
Sephora Cream Lip Stain
Price: 10,90 EUR / 5 ml
I bought a set of minis - and it was a great purchase! The texture is really thin, the smell is nice (artificial strawberries and vanilla) and really long-wearing. The set also had the first liquid lipstick with shimmer. And I could see the appeal. The shade 05 Infinite Rose is not my typical choce, but I can see how most girls would totally love it. You can see a really nice shade selection on the Sephora site.
Score: 4,5/5
It would have a perfect score if only going to Sephora did not mean driving to another country. Other than that I have nothing bad to say over this lipstick. Longwearing but without the drying effect we usually associate with liquid lipsticks. If I get a chance, I will be buying the full size for sure.
Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick
Cena: 19,90 EUR/6,6 ml
Impresiven izbor odtenkov! Vonj je prijeten, tekstura je lahka in ne izsušuje ustnic. Edino, kar me moti, je embalaža. Aplikator je po mojem mnenju nepotrebno dolg in se mi zdi neroden za nanašanje. Ampak iskreno povedano, raje nanašam tekoče šminke s čopičem, ker s tem "palčkami" nisem nikoli dovolj natančna.
Ocena: 4,75/5
Nisem dala polno oceno zaradi aplikatorja/embalaže. Vse ostalo pa popolnoma brez pripomb. Bi spet kupila in z veseljem bi kupila še kako, če nanese priložnost.
Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick
Price: 19,90 EUR / 6,6 ml
Impressive shade range! Lovely smell, light texture and not too drying. The only thing I don't like is the packaging. The application is unnecessarily long and makes application difficult. But to be honest, you're better off applying with a brush.
Score: 4,75/5
I docked points because of the packaging. Otherwise there is nothing bad to say about this liquid lipstick. I would buy again and I will if I get the chance.
LA Splash tekoče šminke - Ghoulish, Tiramisu, Baneful
Cena/ Price: 15 EUR / 3 ml
Tudi tukaj je nabor odtenkov neverjeten. Nekateri odtenki so si po mojem opažanju zelo podobni, tako da previdno. Prav tako obstaja zelo velika razlika med "linijami". Imam jih tri:
The shade range here is incredible. Some shades appear to be really similar, so carefull you won't end up buying three identical lipsticks. Also, there is a really big discrepancy in texture between the different lines. I have three:
Vonj je moj dragi je vonj opisal kot "Coca-cola gumijasti bonboni s citronko". Odtenek obožujem, ampak vse ostalo ne prenesem :(
The texture is really thick. So thick I was wondering if I got one that has gone bad. The application is also tricky - you have to apply it one lip at a time. And don't press your lips togheter for at least two minutes. Because if you will, the lipstick will lift in sheets and look dreadful. My boyfriend described the smell as "Coca-cola gummy bears with lemon powder". I love the shade, but everything else is just horrible.
A massive improvement texture-wise! This lipstick is liquidy enough, but gives opaque color easily. The application is simple, it dries nice and fast. Again, the boyfriend helped with the smell, he said:
"Some sort of cocoa?"
I love this texture (and packaging) the most! Simple application, gorgeous colour. Smell? The boyfriend:" Play dough that is trying to smell like vanilla." :D
Ocena: 4,75/5
Neverjetne barve, ULTRA obstojne. DEFINITIVNO bi spet kupila in BOM kupila še. Zakaj ni ocena 5/5? Ker dobiš samo 3 ml. Sicer nevem, kako je to možno, ker glede na embalažo, bi rekla da jih je vsaj 6 ml.
Score: 4,75 / 5
Amazing colors, SUPER long-lasting, I am DEFINETIVELY buying again! Why it's not rated 5/5? Because apparently you only get 3 ml. I don't know how is this possible, from the packaging it looks to be at least 6 ml.
Kiko Milano Instant lip color
Cena: 7,95 EUR / 6,5 ml
Polna barva, prijetna tekstura. Vonj je umeten, ampak po nekaj časa ga nisem več zaznala. Izredno dolgo-obstojna in tudi ko jo odstraniš pusti "madež" na ustnicah. Še en nasvet: kupuj samo v trgovini. Odtenek 04 v embalaži (in tisti mali barvni kvadratek na stojalu) je izgledal veliko bolj rdečkasta, bordo barva. Ampak če pogledaš odtenek na moji roki (slikica zgoraj), je barva zelo očitno modro violična in zelo temna. :)
Ocena: 4,5/5
Šminka bi imela višjo oceno, če bi mi bila trgovina lažje dosegljiva. Če bom imela priliko, bom definitivno kupila še.
Kiko Milano Instant lip color
Price: 7,95 EUR / 6,5 ml
Full color, nice texture. The smell is artificial, but it goes away after a while. This lipstick is really long lasting, even after removing it stains the lips. Extra tip: only buy this lipstick in stores. The shade 04 (seen in the photo below) looks way more like a dark, red burgundy if you judge from the color of the tube. But the lipstick in fact is a really deep, cool blue violet.
Score: 4,5 / 5
The lipstick would have scored higher if there was a Kiko store near me. Having said that, I'll surely repurchase when I get the chance.
Kako odstraniti tekoče šminke?
Vsaka znamka, ki prodaja tekoče šminke ima sigurno v svoji ponudbi tudi specializiran odstranjevalec tekočih šmink. Moje mnenje? Nepotreben dodaten strošek. Jaz uporabim Biobazino micelarno olje na vatici in gre vse dol. Tudi LA Splash šminke, ki so od vseh 100% vodo-odporne, obstojne in generalno se držijo ustnic kot pribite.
Krajši opis tega olja (z vsemi relevantnimi infomacijami) najdeš na tej povezavi ( KLIK! )
How to remove liquid lipsticks?
Every brand that sells them usually offers their own specialized removed. Which I think is an unnecessary purchase. Biobaza's Micellar Oil works wonder. I put two pumps on a cotton pad and then the rest can be rinsed clean with water. And it removes easily even LA Splash lipsticks, which are indelible otherwise.
Če ti je uspelo se prebit do tu, čestitam in NAJLEPŠA HVALA! Upam, da ti boš imela najboljši dan, kar se ga sploh da imet!
If you made it to here, congratulations and THANK YOU SO MUCH! I wish that you may have the best day ever!
You can check out part 1 here (CLICK!)
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"Kaj si mislila s tem, da to ni igrača?" "What do you mean this is not a toy?" |
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Left - Right: Sephora lip cream 01, KVD Vampiria (spodaj je Deborah 09 za primerjavo), LA Splash Ghoulish, LA Splash Tiramisu, LA Splash Baneful, Kiko Milano Instant lip colour 04 |
Sephora Cream Lip Stain
Cena: 10,90 EUR / 5 ml
Kupila sem set mini verzij - odličen nakup! Tekstura je tanka, vonj je prijeten (umetne jagode in vanilija, ampak OK) in super obstojne. V tem paketku sem našla prvi odtenek šminke, ki ni bil mat, in sem razumela čar šmink z bleščicami - odtenek 05 Infinite Rose. Sicer ni ravno v mojem tipičnem repertoarju, ampak si predstavljam, da bi večini punc pristajal in bi ga z veseljem nosile. Na spletu je tudi široka izbira odtenkov.
Ocena : 4,5/5
Bi dala oceno 5, če bi mi bila Sephora lažje dosegljiva. Ampak nimam pripomb čez tole formulo. Je dovolj dolgoobstojna, hkrati pa ni tistega ekstremnega sušenja, ki ga povezujemo s tekočimi šminkami. Če dobim priložnost, bom definitivno dokupila polno embalažo.
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Nimam pudra na fotografiji - se opravičujem če koga plašijo moje pore :) I'm not wearing any foundation, I'm sorry if I scared someone with my pores. |
Sephora Cream Lip Stain
Price: 10,90 EUR / 5 ml
I bought a set of minis - and it was a great purchase! The texture is really thin, the smell is nice (artificial strawberries and vanilla) and really long-wearing. The set also had the first liquid lipstick with shimmer. And I could see the appeal. The shade 05 Infinite Rose is not my typical choce, but I can see how most girls would totally love it. You can see a really nice shade selection on the Sephora site.
Score: 4,5/5
It would have a perfect score if only going to Sephora did not mean driving to another country. Other than that I have nothing bad to say over this lipstick. Longwearing but without the drying effect we usually associate with liquid lipsticks. If I get a chance, I will be buying the full size for sure.
Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick
Cena: 19,90 EUR/6,6 ml
Impresiven izbor odtenkov! Vonj je prijeten, tekstura je lahka in ne izsušuje ustnic. Edino, kar me moti, je embalaža. Aplikator je po mojem mnenju nepotrebno dolg in se mi zdi neroden za nanašanje. Ampak iskreno povedano, raje nanašam tekoče šminke s čopičem, ker s tem "palčkami" nisem nikoli dovolj natančna.
Ocena: 4,75/5
Nisem dala polno oceno zaradi aplikatorja/embalaže. Vse ostalo pa popolnoma brez pripomb. Bi spet kupila in z veseljem bi kupila še kako, če nanese priložnost.
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Kat Von D Vampiria |
Price: 19,90 EUR / 6,6 ml
Impressive shade range! Lovely smell, light texture and not too drying. The only thing I don't like is the packaging. The application is unnecessarily long and makes application difficult. But to be honest, you're better off applying with a brush.
Score: 4,75/5
I docked points because of the packaging. Otherwise there is nothing bad to say about this liquid lipstick. I would buy again and I will if I get the chance.
LA Splash tekoče šminke - Ghoulish, Tiramisu, Baneful
Cena/ Price: 15 EUR / 3 ml
Tudi tukaj je nabor odtenkov neverjeten. Nekateri odtenki so si po mojem opažanju zelo podobni, tako da previdno. Prav tako obstaja zelo velika razlika med "linijami". Imam jih tri:
The shade range here is incredible. Some shades appear to be really similar, so carefull you won't end up buying three identical lipsticks. Also, there is a really big discrepancy in texture between the different lines. I have three:
- Lip Couture - odtenek Ghoulish:
Vonj je moj dragi je vonj opisal kot "Coca-cola gumijasti bonboni s citronko". Odtenek obožujem, ampak vse ostalo ne prenesem :(
The texture is really thick. So thick I was wondering if I got one that has gone bad. The application is also tricky - you have to apply it one lip at a time. And don't press your lips togheter for at least two minutes. Because if you will, the lipstick will lift in sheets and look dreadful. My boyfriend described the smell as "Coca-cola gummy bears with lemon powder". I love the shade, but everything else is just horrible.
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LA Splash Ghoulish |
- Velvet Matte - odtenek Tiramisu
A massive improvement texture-wise! This lipstick is liquidy enough, but gives opaque color easily. The application is simple, it dries nice and fast. Again, the boyfriend helped with the smell, he said:
"Some sort of cocoa?"
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LA Splash Tiramisu |
- Wickedly Divine - odtenek Baneful
I love this texture (and packaging) the most! Simple application, gorgeous colour. Smell? The boyfriend:" Play dough that is trying to smell like vanilla." :D
Ocena: 4,75/5
Neverjetne barve, ULTRA obstojne. DEFINITIVNO bi spet kupila in BOM kupila še. Zakaj ni ocena 5/5? Ker dobiš samo 3 ml. Sicer nevem, kako je to možno, ker glede na embalažo, bi rekla da jih je vsaj 6 ml.
Score: 4,75 / 5
Amazing colors, SUPER long-lasting, I am DEFINETIVELY buying again! Why it's not rated 5/5? Because apparently you only get 3 ml. I don't know how is this possible, from the packaging it looks to be at least 6 ml.
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LA Splash Baneful |
Cena: 7,95 EUR / 6,5 ml
Polna barva, prijetna tekstura. Vonj je umeten, ampak po nekaj časa ga nisem več zaznala. Izredno dolgo-obstojna in tudi ko jo odstraniš pusti "madež" na ustnicah. Še en nasvet: kupuj samo v trgovini. Odtenek 04 v embalaži (in tisti mali barvni kvadratek na stojalu) je izgledal veliko bolj rdečkasta, bordo barva. Ampak če pogledaš odtenek na moji roki (slikica zgoraj), je barva zelo očitno modro violična in zelo temna. :)
Ocena: 4,5/5
Šminka bi imela višjo oceno, če bi mi bila trgovina lažje dosegljiva. Če bom imela priliko, bom definitivno kupila še.
Kiko Milano Instant lip color
Price: 7,95 EUR / 6,5 ml
Full color, nice texture. The smell is artificial, but it goes away after a while. This lipstick is really long lasting, even after removing it stains the lips. Extra tip: only buy this lipstick in stores. The shade 04 (seen in the photo below) looks way more like a dark, red burgundy if you judge from the color of the tube. But the lipstick in fact is a really deep, cool blue violet.
Score: 4,5 / 5
The lipstick would have scored higher if there was a Kiko store near me. Having said that, I'll surely repurchase when I get the chance.
Kako odstraniti tekoče šminke?
Vsaka znamka, ki prodaja tekoče šminke ima sigurno v svoji ponudbi tudi specializiran odstranjevalec tekočih šmink. Moje mnenje? Nepotreben dodaten strošek. Jaz uporabim Biobazino micelarno olje na vatici in gre vse dol. Tudi LA Splash šminke, ki so od vseh 100% vodo-odporne, obstojne in generalno se držijo ustnic kot pribite.
Krajši opis tega olja (z vsemi relevantnimi infomacijami) najdeš na tej povezavi ( KLIK! )
How to remove liquid lipsticks?
Every brand that sells them usually offers their own specialized removed. Which I think is an unnecessary purchase. Biobaza's Micellar Oil works wonder. I put two pumps on a cotton pad and then the rest can be rinsed clean with water. And it removes easily even LA Splash lipsticks, which are indelible otherwise.
Če ti je uspelo se prebit do tu, čestitam in NAJLEPŠA HVALA! Upam, da ti boš imela najboljši dan, kar se ga sploh da imet!
If you made it to here, congratulations and THANK YOU SO MUCH! I wish that you may have the best day ever!
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