Kiko Milano Pure Clean Cream #nimivšeč #dontlikeit
Ta izdelek sem kupila že prejšnje leto, celo omenila sem ga v prispevku. Kar nekaj časa se je valjal po moji kopalnici in en večer ko sem imela še ekstra plasti kreme, pudra in sončne kreme - super, to je tvoj trenutek kremni čistilec! Piše "Gentle Cleansing Cream" na embalaži? Sigurno bo super zame...
I've bought this last year, I've even mentioned it in a blog post. This product was sitting around my bathroom, and one evening I had really a nice, lovely pile of cream, SPF and foundation on my face. So I reach for the cleanser - this is your moment Kiko cream cleanser! It says "Gentle Cleansing Cream" right on the bottle, what could possibly go wrong....
S tem ne bi čistila laminata, ker se bojim, da bi ga ražrl.
Ta stvar bi lahko izsušila amazonski pragozd.
Ko sem si umila obraz in koža dobesedno zacvili, kot potegneš s prsti po licih.
Ta čistilec bi uporabljala kot poceni face-lift - ker mi tako zategne kožo. Čez 20 minut me bo koža pekla, pa čeprav si nanesem debel sloj seruma in kreme čez.
I wouldn't clean my laminate floor with this, because I fear it would dissolve it.
This thing could dry up the Amazonian forest.
No, I'm being serious.
When I cleansed my face you could hear my skin squeeaking if you ran your finger over my cheeks.
I'd use this as a cheap facelift, because it feels so tight on the skin. But about 20 minutes later my skin will burn and itch, no matter how much serum or cream I put on.
Nobenemu ne priporočam tega izdelka. Tudi če ti ne dela težav, ne vidim razloga, da bi uporabljala tako grobo milo. Če iščeš ugoden kremni čistilec, potem ti priporočam Lushev Ultrabland. Več si lahko prebeš na tej povezavi.
Če si v Kiko trgovini, ti toplo priporočam da si ogledaš enojne senčke, tekoče šminke in svičnike. Barve so čudovite, lepe teksture, omejene kolekcije imajo vedno zelo luštno embalažo. Ampak ta čistilec lahko mirne duše izpustiš. Niti prodat ga nočem, ker bi imela slabo vest.
I would not recommend this to anyone. Even if you use this, and don't have a problem with it - I see no good reason to use such a stripping, drying cleanser. If you're looking for an affordable cream cleanser I'd recommend Lush Ultrabland. You can read more about it here.
If you happen to be in a Kiko store, go and get the single eyeshadows, liquid lipstick and pencil. The colors are incredible, the texture is lovely and the limited collections have really cute packaging. But you can easily skip this cleanser. I won't even sell it, because I'd feel bad.
I've bought this last year, I've even mentioned it in a blog post. This product was sitting around my bathroom, and one evening I had really a nice, lovely pile of cream, SPF and foundation on my face. So I reach for the cleanser - this is your moment Kiko cream cleanser! It says "Gentle Cleansing Cream" right on the bottle, what could possibly go wrong....
S tem ne bi čistila laminata, ker se bojim, da bi ga ražrl.
Ta stvar bi lahko izsušila amazonski pragozd.
Ko sem si umila obraz in koža dobesedno zacvili, kot potegneš s prsti po licih.
Ta čistilec bi uporabljala kot poceni face-lift - ker mi tako zategne kožo. Čez 20 minut me bo koža pekla, pa čeprav si nanesem debel sloj seruma in kreme čez.
I wouldn't clean my laminate floor with this, because I fear it would dissolve it.
This thing could dry up the Amazonian forest.
No, I'm being serious.
When I cleansed my face you could hear my skin squeeaking if you ran your finger over my cheeks.
I'd use this as a cheap facelift, because it feels so tight on the skin. But about 20 minutes later my skin will burn and itch, no matter how much serum or cream I put on.
Nevem kaj si misliti o tistem dermatološkem testu na občutljivi koži... I don't know how I feel about that dermatological test... |
Če si v Kiko trgovini, ti toplo priporočam da si ogledaš enojne senčke, tekoče šminke in svičnike. Barve so čudovite, lepe teksture, omejene kolekcije imajo vedno zelo luštno embalažo. Ampak ta čistilec lahko mirne duše izpustiš. Niti prodat ga nočem, ker bi imela slabo vest.
I would not recommend this to anyone. Even if you use this, and don't have a problem with it - I see no good reason to use such a stripping, drying cleanser. If you're looking for an affordable cream cleanser I'd recommend Lush Ultrabland. You can read more about it here.
If you happen to be in a Kiko store, go and get the single eyeshadows, liquid lipstick and pencil. The colors are incredible, the texture is lovely and the limited collections have really cute packaging. But you can easily skip this cleanser. I won't even sell it, because I'd feel bad.
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